
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Canada rolled out the red carpet for American spies

New Snowden documents released to CBC last week show a troubling reality that took place during the G20 summit 2 years ago: Canada rolled out the red carpet for American spies.

The American NSA has received a lot of scrutiny over its activities that breach trade partners' trust and actively violate the rights and freedoms of individuals around the world. However, the Harper government's obsession with Big Brother has allowed them to not only turn a blind eye, but actually set up a spy center for NSA agents to use.

The documents were stamped "Top Secret" on April 3, 2013 and reveal the inter-relations of the NSA and CSEC where Canadian and American spies mingle in both agencies.

CBC wouldn't publish the document due to security concerns but in an age where governments across the world are beginning to believe it is justified to breach civil liberties in the names of "terrorism," "crime prevention," and "cyber-bullying," Canadians have reason to be concerned of their government's conduct, and its relations with the NSA.

But don't worry about your privacy and freedom of speech, both the American and Canadian governments are watching and they'll let you know if they don't like what they see. Are you concerned with the trend of governments becoming obsessed with big brother? Share this article and join the discussion and let us know what you think: Facebook, Twitter, Google+.

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