
Friday, November 22, 2013

Treasury Board uses taxpayers money to reward "favourite" employees

Wasteful spending in the Treasury Board brings more questions about Tony Clement's ability to manage public funds.

The Treasury Board spends over $100,000 for rewards for its favourite employees. These taxpayer-funded rewards range from gold necklaces, hockey tickets, camcorders, iPods, spa visits — even a gift card to the liquor store. In the last five years, the Treasury Board has dished out half a million dollars on rewards for people who are generously paid and rewarded by the taxpayer's dime.

Despite cuts to services Canadians needed, the Conservatives willingly shelled out "instant awards" which sometimes rewarded people $500 a pop. Documents accessed through Access to Information give the list of the lucky bureaucrats but don't explain why taxpayer dollars funded such awards.

Clement came under fire last in 2011 when the public learned of the extravagant spending spree he fulfilled using money Parliamentarians allocated to border security. The end-result was $50 million worth of Gazebos in his riding while the rest of the G8/G20 summit costed over $1 billion including costs to build a temporary fake lake several kilometres away from the Great Lakes. In 2012, Clement cost $19,678.84 in overtime limo costs, part of $600,000 in total overtime among Conservative MPs.

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