
Thursday, May 9, 2013

MacKay joins 20 Conservative MPs against taxpayer-funded ads

The list of Conservative MPs against taxpayer-funded attack ads against Justin Trudeau has grown to include some well known names, notably and most recently, Defense Minister and Deputy leader Peter MacKay. While the PMO and Prime Minister Stephen Harper think it is alright to use taxpayer money to fund a campaign of smears and deceit, a growing number of Conservative MPs are standing up for their principle and rejecting petty and desperate politics.

It is clear Harper is in way over his head with plans to spend $175 to $29,050 of taxpayer money to fund his campaign of smears and deceits in his desperate bid to slow support for Liberal leader Justin Trudeau. You don't need to look further than now 20 Conservative MPs to see discontent, seven of which released a statement.

Many pundits are concluding the ads backfired as many polls show a consistent trend of Liberal growth taking a lead into majority territory. The TV ads backfired and turned out to be a fundraising campaign for the Liberals. Using taxpayer money for these ads may have been the biggest blunder the Conservatives made because now the opposition actually has something substantive to hammer them on although with both parties planning to paint a rosy picture in the next election it is clear the Conservatives may never be held adequately to account on their waste of taxpayers money.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper defended the taxpayer funded ads stating, “There are House of Commons rules for communications that we do with constituents across the country.”

“All parties work within those rules, and all parties use those activities and use those rules.”

As more Conservative MPs reject the ads, including big names like Peter MacKay, whose spokes person said he won't be mailing 10-percenters, can you really justify Prime Minister Stephen Harper's defense of the ads? Share this article and join the discussion and let us know what you think: Facebook, Twitter, Google+.

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