
Monday, July 25, 2011

Layton taking a Break From Politics to Fight New Cancer

imageJack Layton will be taking a temporary leave as leader of the NDP to fight a new ‘non-prostate’ cancer that has attacked him until September 19, when parliament comes back from summer break.

For the time being, Nycole Turmel was endorsed as interim leader but an interim leader will be chosen shortly. She was recently voted unanimously as the chair of the caucus leader.

Brian Topps said that it made sense for the Chair of Caucus leader to take over as interim leadership despite suggestions for Thomas Mulcair by one of the French media who questioned Topps during the Question Period of the announcement.

Layton has said that his fight against his prostate cancer has been successful and that he would be following his doctor’s treatment during his medical leave as NDP leader.

Layton referenced his optimism for his goals and dreams and the country in his announcement.

“If I’ve tried to bring anything to federal politics, it’s the idea that hope and optimism should be at their heart. We can look after each other better than we do today. We can have a fiscally responsible government. We can have a strong economy with greater equality in our society – greater equality that is so important in days where we see inequality growing. A clean environment; we can accomplish these things. We can be a force for peace in the world. As I am hopeful and optimistic about all of this, I have to say I am as optimistic as when I started out my life in politics. And so I am hopeful and optimistic about the personal battle that lies before me in the weeks to come. I am very hopeful and optimistic that our party will continue to move forward. That we will replace the Conservative government in a few short years from now. And that we will work with Canadians to build the country of our hopes, of our dreams, of our optimism, our determination, our values and our love.”

Party President Brian Topps praised Layton's fighting spirit and the fact that he ‘doesn’t give up’ in a question period at the end of the announcement.

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