Jack Layton will be taking a temporary leave as leader of the NDP to fight a new ‘non-prostate’ cancer that has attacked him until September 19, when parliament comes back from summer break.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Who should be entitled to child benefits?
Ottawa-area father Yannick Cloutier raised 2 children on his own for 8 years. Recently, he moved in with a common-law spouse and two years after she moved in with him, the Canada Revenue Agency decided that they would transfer the child benefits for his two children to his common-law spouse.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
The NDP and Conservatives Fail to Make Public Safety Top Priority
The Champlain Bridge is crumbling down but for both the NDP and Conservatives, it isn’t a big issue. With the NDP only releasing a small statement and the Conservatives breaking their heads on how to deal with the documentation, bridge users – like myself – have absolutely no guarantee that the bridge will be replaced and there is no guarantee that the replacement will come before the bridge collapses and people die painful deaths as they plummet into the St. Lawrence.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Ethics Commissioner: Helena Guergis Broke Ethics Rules
Ethics commissioner Mary Dawson released a report today saying that former Conservative MP Helena Guergis broke ethics rules when she wrote a recommendation for a constituent whose business was linked to her husband’s.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Stephen Harper’s Misunderstanding of Where He Stands in the Public Eye
At the Calgary Stampede Barbeque, Harper took an opportunity to do what he does best: attack his opposition. However, his pitch to convince party faithful that their party has the big Mo may be unfounded.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
European Broadband Makes North American Broadband look like expensive Dialup
If you leave Canada and the United States and go to England, you will notice a big difference in terms of your internet connection. Not only is it much cheaper, it is much faster. England didn’t pump billions into the system to get its widespread coverage and extremely low prices, they used regulations to increase competition and the companies that feared a loss in profits are now booming.