
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rough Week For Canadians

robocalls, voting, election, fraud Election fraud is never a topic that can be shoved under the rug. While it may happen in scattered instances in modernized countries and in a more ruthless light in other places around the globe, the attempt to undermine the validity of the voters’ will breaks a basic civic right.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Robocall Scandal: RCMP Raid Racknine

robocalls, voting, election, fraud

Racknine recently got a visit from the RCMP who obtained a search warrant into the company in hopes to find answers about over 40 ridings filled with allegations of misleading robocalls. Racknine has been asked to hand over data, like emails and billing records that link it to the Conservative campaign in Guelph, Ontario where the accusations started.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Robocall Scandal: Watching Closely Contested Ridings

The election of May 2011 brought about a narrow majority win for the Conservatives. As many as 14 ridings can determine the fate of the Conservative government where voting results came razor thin, 6848 for 14 ridings.

Robocall Scandal: 34 Ridings and Counting…

Earlier today, it was reported that 29 ridings and counting were effected by Robocalls in the last election. An updated count pits 34 as the cumulative total among the Liberals and NDP, accounting for 11% of the total seats in the House of Commons.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Anonymous Gives Toews A Week To Comply

Anonymous makes its case clear and aggressively demands Conservatives backtrack and Toews resign.

Liberals Demand Full Investigation into Robocalls

imageLiberal Interim Leader Bob Rae said in a press conference today that he wants a full investigation into the Robocalls that have affected over 29 ridings so far. The Liberals have evidence that links 27 ridings to automated calls which falsely told voters that their polling stations had changed.

NDP Leaks more Links Between Racknine and Harper Government

imageNDP researcher James Valcke has released images via his Twitter account which add more links between the Conservatives and Racknine President Matt Meier.

Friday, February 24, 2012

A Conservative Government?

Facebook/National PostIn 2006, Stephen Harper’s Conservatives won a minority over Paul Martin’s Liberals. The campaign consisted of two main themes: the sponsorship scandal and tax cuts. One must wonder why the Conservatives won: was it in protest against the Liberal sponsorship scandal? Was it because the GST was promised to be cut by 2%? Or was it because the votes were rigged?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tories Responsible for More Electoral Fraud?

imageThe Conservatives have a notorious record with electoral fraud being fined and having four prominent members nearly charged criminally. During the 2011 election campaign, Liberals from across the country got harassing phone calls and after an Elections Canada probe, links have been found with the Conservative Party.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Anonymous Demands: Toews Resign, Kill C-30

While Vic Toews fights to the brink for his bill, and attempts to retract claiming he didn’t know it would permit warrantless access to all online and mobile activities, Canadians and activists are fighting back. As Toews hides behind child pornography and attempts to do what Conservatives do best: divide and conquer, the joke is on him as parts of his life entered public light.

Bill C-30: Does Your Freedom Belong to the Canadian Government?

Pierre Elliot Trudeau’s Liberals brought in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982. It gave Canadians the ease of mind and abilities to live free and independent lives without having to fear oppressive government regimes and without fearing their home, Canada. Today, Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper is re-inventing what it means to be afraid and watch out, he’s counting on your ignorance.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Toews Doesn’t Like His Private Life Exposed

Public Safety Minister Vic Toews is requesting a parliamentary investigation into an anonymous Twitter account leaking alleged details of his divorce following a media report that linked the account's IP address to a Parliament Hill server.Public Safety Minister Vic Toews doesn’t like to have his private life exposed but is keen on exposing the lives of Canadians with Bill C-51, renamed to C-30, which would give the government and authorities unrestricted and unwarranted access to everything you do online and on your smartphones.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Conservatives Play Big Brother

Editorial cartoon by Brian Gable - Editorial cartoon by Brian Gable | The Globe and MailThe Conservatives have introduced Bill-C51 which would allow police to access and monitor people's online activities without a warrant.

The Conservatives, who are introducing similar legislation as the United States in a common effort to fight piracy and illegal internet activity are pulling out every string to get their legislation passed.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Harper’s Pension Reform: Necessary?

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has an ongoing campaign about the MP pension fund and said Wednesday that MPs have their snouts in the pension trough.As a part of Harper’s announced “major transformations,” the retirement age will be increased to 67 from 65. The argument is that our current Old Age Security system is unsustainable but when you look at the way the Conservatives manage your money and when you look at their pensions, you just have to wonder if it is necessary.