
Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Future of Medicare in Canada

Agnes Ryzynski (left) Paula Iantomasi (centre) and Kari White (right) staff at the Allan Waters Family Simulation Centre perform at simulated scenario using a life sized anatomically correct mannequin as a road traffic accident victim at facility in Toronto's St.Michael's Hospital on Friday October 28, 2011. - Agnes Ryzynski (left) Paula Iantomasi (centre) and Kari White (right) staff at the Allan Waters Family Simulation Centre perform at simulated scenario using a life sized anatomically correct mannequin as a road traffic accident victim at facility in Toronto's St.Michael's Hospital on Friday October 28, 2011. | Chris Young For The Globe and MailA lot of speculation has been put into the way that Harper is going to deal with the upcoming healthcare accord. If there is one thing we know, he won’t make a repeat of Paul Martin, he won’t make each province sign a separate deal (which is what most commentators thought he would so) and he won’t make a big summit where everyone must agree to one blueprint (like what Paul Martin did). However, despite, however Harper approaches this, there is one certainty: a new approach to healthcare will be taken – and frankly must be taken.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Conservative Misspending on G8/G20 Summit Revealed; Brace Yourselves

The Deerhurst Resort near Huntsville provided the facilities for the G8 summit in June 2010.  The resort was sold to Skyline Hotels and Resorts for $26 million nine months later. You can throw efficiency, accountability, prudent management and logic out the window with the current Conservative government. Instead of doing the right thing and cutting down on their fat, they unnecessarily increased it and are continuing to increase it as we speak. But that is not all. Parts of Tony Clements’s ‘accountable’ spending in his riding is being exposed and it most certainly will get ugly.


Canada’s Political Scene: Filled with Irony

The state of our country and the state of our government can be described flawlessly with irony.

It is ironic how the Conservatives won the 2006 election by labeling the Liberals as corrupt and then have the nerve to take air rides and waste our money on a G20 summit – which was entirely for their own use and not for the public.

It is ironic how the Conservatives claim to be accountable while refusing to answer to Canadians and actively try to restrict democracy. Not to mention Harper’s egotistical attempt to name the Government of Canada after himself – as if he is the king or dictator of this country, its people and its affairs.

It is ironic how the Liberals were pinned as “tax and spend” during the last election while the Conservatives promised more financial restraint. As we speak, the Conservatives have upped government spending by 22% while the previous decade of Liberal governments cut spending. During the Mulroney Conservative government, the GST was introduced, the Liberals did not touch it and the governing Conservatives taxed income trust and taxed EI Premiums – effectively making hiring and retirement more expensive.

It is ironic how Stephen Harper once advocated democratic reform, and reduced government size and then slapped each and every one of us with the bill for his new senators, inflated cabinet, and inflating bureaucracy – not to mention all his bills for hospitality and the bill of the G20 summit alone. Is Canada really more democratic?

It is ironic how the Conservatives claim to be “tough on crime” while they have had 4 of their senior members how nearly faced jail time for election fraud.

It is ironic how the NDP (radical left) claimed to oppose the Conservatives (radical right) but not only took pride in working with them, but also squarely focused their attacks on the Liberals (relatively centrist) in the May 2011 election which gave the Conservatives a clear road to a majority government. (As seen in the picture)

It is ironic how the NDP have promised to fix Ottawa and then slapped every Canadian in the face with the most uncivil behavior seen yet.

It is ironic how the NDP claim that they aim to do the right thing when they tried to use the late Jack Layton’s death as a fundraising opportunity – which broke Election Canada rules. Layton died and they use his death as an opportunity to try to make money for the party? That is shallow, disrespectful and distasteful. They should be ashamed of themselves.

It is ironic how the NDP claim to be good for the economy when they have repeated time and time again that they would attack the very institutions that ensure that Canada’s economy doesn’t collapse. In comparison to the rest of the world, despite Harper’s mismanagement, no Canadian  bank has failed or required bailout. If Harper wouldn’t have made reckless decisions over the past 5 years, Canada may have been the country with the proud title of being the only country to not go into recession and not one with the biggest deficit in its history.

It is ironic how the NDP claim that a grand nationalization scheme will bring jobs and money back to Canadians. The reason for which the world entered globalization was to reduce the price of every item (including food) that you buy today and essentially make life more affordable. If the pair of pants that you were wearing today were made in Canada, they would cost several hundred dollars because let’s face it, who will pay a Canadian less than minimum wage to make them to be this cheap? And let’s face it, how will Canada’s existing payrolls make things more affordable? Increase the wages and you increase the price because everything is made in Canada.

It is ironic how the NDP say they support Canadians in this aspect while failing to realize the important repercussions of their reckless manners. While globalization has arguably gotten out of control and started to favor a small few, we must recognize that each and everyone of us would fall to the hands of poverty without it. It is ironic how something so radical that is suppose to help Canadians can be such a pitfall at the same time.

The negatives of our system are the result of mismanagement. It is the day when government took away its trust from Canadians and parents, became selfish, greedy and power hungry, decided to hold people to account instead of holding itself accountable to the people that our fine system had slowly started to dissipate.

We must also acknowledge that nothing in life is perfect. But in a system where everyone had their freedoms and had the opportunity to become what they wanted to become, you must admit that in comparison to everyone else, we have it pretty good. To live in a country where ethnicity is irrelevant and to live in a country where you are part of a family and not part of a militancy is something to honor.

Right now, Canada is being governed by the extreme right at the wheel and extreme left in the front passenger seat. With both arguing about each other’s driving skills and with both fighting for control of the wheel, the car, Canada, will crash. It is by far the worst thing that could have happened to Canada. Extremes are never good for a country, or in any part in life. It is and always have been the extremes that divide and damage  as they build their goals through beliefs and ideology and not facts and reason, as they divide instead of unite.

What has this political realm come to? It is sad folks.

To each of my loyal readers, I thank you for your support as I report and comment on things by the way I see them and not the way that monopolized media has. I doubt that any of the media stations you watch or listen to, or read, will ever have the guts to say what I have previously said. Honestly, this reflects how modern-day journalists have failed to question, criticize, and uncover the day’s  events. Whether it be due to government censorship, pure laziness, or political agenda, it is appalling that the questions that I raise are not raised by media itself. But, my fellow Canadians, this is the point of blogs and this blog in particular. This blog isn’t as much a news site as a place to start discussions and interpret the day’s political news and I invite you to stay tuned! The controversy starts here.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Commons Theater, A Production fresh out of College

Parliament Hill is illuminated at dusk on Nov. 17, 2011. - Parliament Hill is illuminated at dusk on Nov. 17, 2011. | Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian PressThe NDP have added life to the House of Commons on Thursday as they exchanged an array of literature with their Conservative counterparts. After promising to make Ottawa a more civil place, senior NDP MP Pat Martin took it to himself to send F-bombs to all of his opponents and the junior elites have been suggesting books from the “For Dummies Series.”


If you missed the show, here’s how it went. Caution: The following remarks may remind you of your college days!


The Call for Smaller and More Efficient Government

The Liberal rebuilding process will be an interesting one to watch. While media commentators have written them off, membership has soared. In my riding, which went from Bloc Quebecois to NDP the last time around, the Liberals had the second biggest burst of membership in the country and doubled what they had before – with more people coming in.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Conservative Fined for Breaking Election Rules

An Elections Canada official removes a box of files from Conservative Party headquarters in Ottawa on April 15, 2008. - An Elections Canada official removes a box of files from Conservative Party headquarters in Ottawa on April 15, 2008. | Tom Hanson/The Canadian PressIt appears the ‘tough on crime’ Conservatives aren’t as worthy of that title as we think. In an ongoing dispute with Elections Canada, the Conservatives pleased guilty to lessen the consequences of their guilty individuals who would have faced jail time for Electoral Fraud.


Conservative Economic Record Gets Slammed

Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae criticized the government's fiscal management Wednesday during a speech, and talked about his party's vision for economic prosperity.Liberal Interim Leader Bob Rae slammed the Tory’s recent financial statement and offered up his own recipe to fixing Canada’s ailing economy.