
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Election 2011 Day 6 Liberal Gains Continue

imageMichael Ignatieff and the Liberal party have a lot to be happy about. His campaign is going well. Tory lies have no effect, and as an added bonus, they have gained 5 points in the polls in the last week – indicating that a Harper majority is out of the question. While it’s still the first week, if the trends continue, the Liberals may have a good shot at forming the next government.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Election 2011 Day 5

imageA new Nanos poll that took place from March 15 to 29 for CTV News and the Globe and Mail may show the Conservatives in the lead, but Conservative support is on the decline. Within a week, the Liberals have gained the most support off the backs of the Conservatives and NDP. If this trend continues, this election may be a close one.

Other highlights in this article:
A glimmer of hope may be arising for the Liberal Party as polls favor them and an NDP candidate has resigned and given his support to the Liberal Party.

Ryan Dolby poses for a photo near the Ford Assembly Plant north of St. Thomas, Ontario, Wednesday, March 30, 2011, (Dave Chidley / THE CANADIAN PRESS)
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff makes promises pertaining to the Canada Pension Plan that gets praised.

Canadians value Healthcare and the Environment above all.
Two more Conservative staffers fired due to Corruption in Campaign HQ, Harper claims that he knew nothing.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Election 2011 Day 4 Ignatieff Pledges Money For Students

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff speaks Tuesday at Sheridan College in Oakville, Ont., where he announced a $1 billion program for post-secondary students. The Liberal Party of Canada unveiled its Canadian Learning Passport which promises money for students going to high school, cegep and university. The new program would cost the equivalent of Harper’s G20 summit and give young Canadians the boost that they need to be competitive in the work force. Harper continues with his fear campaign. Layton attacks credit card debt head on.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Election 2011 Day 3

Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff speaks to reporters at a news conference Monday, March 28, 2011 in Toronto. (Ryan Remiorz / THE CANADIAN PRESS)The third day of campaigning sees a change in tide in opposition tactics, but Stephen Harper plays the coalition like a broken record. Stephen Harper won’t let go of the coalition and risks losing his seats in the Quebec City region. Meanwhile, Michael Ignatieff went grocery shopping and took aim and Conservative tax policy. Jack Layton pleads for strategic voting. Gilles Duceppe vows to make his campaign about Quebec Independence.

Tories Play the Broken Record

Harper won’t let go. The coalition may be the only thing we hear from him the whole election – apart from this drafted tax credit for families.

This tax credit has a nice catch 22 – it will only be done if and only if you elect a Conservative majority and the budget is balanced. In other words, don’t count on it happening. Jim Flaherty said on Question Period on Sunday that spending for social programs would kill the economy. Social programs are government funded programs that indirectly give money back to Canadians in the form of services, and for the poor, it offers affordable housing and employment insurance. However, every time Flaherty tells us that he has no choice but to cut our social programs, we must always remember that by cutting the social programs, he made room for the extra spending in generous corporate tax cuts, super-prisons, fighter jets, a fancy G8/G20 summit, and all the other reckless projects they took on that are expensive and don’t benefit Canadians. So if social programs are so bad for the economy, why would you purpose one and put the “if we get a majority government” clause on it?

Harper will try to dodge many issues during this campaign, but don’t forget that Harper too favors coalition governments!

Are my eyes and ears functioning correctly? Did Harper just say that he wanted a coalition to replace the Martin Government? This takes hypocrisy to a new level.
So again Harper tries to scare people with the lie that he concocted because he can’t seem to find any other way to campaign – wait, that was in his release to the parties, he thinks Canadians are “uninformed and apathetic.” Be sure to read Stephen Harper’s Campaign Handbook and see what his campaign strategy really thinks about you.

Voters in the Quebec City region will not be so generous to the Conservatives this time around according to an article on CTV. The Conservatives currently hold 11 seats in the region and their decision to decline an arena may very well have cost them the 11 seats. Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff promised the stadium for them, so it is likely that the Liberals will reap the gain from the Conservative loss if these ridings don’t join the rest of the province under the Bloc banner.

Liberals keep on Rolling

The Liberals kept up their campaigning and have so far been doing a decent job at it. So far, the only party that is really under attack by the media, and the country is the Conservative Party – with good reason – and Ignatieff now started doing something that Harper doesn’t like… discussing policy, Harper’s policy.
Ignatieff accused Harper of holding the family tax credit as a ransom charging at a press conference in Toronto, "It's like he's saying to middle-class families: take a number and come back in five years and we'll see what we can do for you."
“That's what you get, that's the policies that you get if you put banks, insurance companies and oil companies first and leave Canadian families at the back of the line."
Michael Ignatieff
Ignatieff also promised not to raise any business, personal or income taxes if elected and slammed the Conservative record.
"If you spend billions on fighter jets, on mega-prisons, very quickly by 2014 we'll reach a point where there's not enough money to work with the provinces in order to save the universal, accessible health system we have."
Michael Ignatieff
Jack Layton from the NDP joined Ignatieff’s charge stating, "This is exactly the sort of cynical move Stephen Harper used to denounce.” He then read a quote that Stephen Harper had made during the 2005 election that criticized the Liberal pledge to commit $10 billion over 10 years into childcare at the time.

Harper said, “Why not $100 billion over 100 years? In our system, you actually have to get a mandate from the people. You can't just declare that you're going to govern for 10 years."

Jack Pleads for Strategic Vote

Maybe Jack Layton realized that his charge to go from fourth party to government wasn’t such a smart goal. Seeing as how he would split the vote and give Harper another mandate, he asked for a strategic vote. In Saskatchewan, the NDP are very strong, so the idea is valid, but otherwise, if the vote NDP bandwagon spread across the country, the NDP would be the cause for Harper’s return to power.

Layton reached out saying, "Here in Saskatchewan, just like in British Columbia, just like in Alberta where we've been to launch this early part of the campaign, the only way to do that is to vote for your New Democrat candidate.”

So far, Layton has been reluctant to criticize the Liberals – which is new – and focused all of his attention on the Tories. Of the opposition parties, Layton is the only party that said that he wouldn’t mind a coalition and by his strategic method of trying to get the ridings where the NDP have better chances to win, the next government may need a coalition partner to survive.

Gilles Duceppe Makes the Case for Quebec Independence

Duceppe’s slogan for this election is “Parlons Quebec” which translates to “Let’s talk about Quebec.” When asked about the seemingly dropped word sovereignty, Duceppe defended himself with the following statement.
"I did not delete (the word 'sovereignty'). "Come on, come on. We're a sovereigntist party and I speak about sovereignty in every one of my speeches.

People know. There's no problem. I am happy and proud to be a sovereigntist and we're going to talk about it throughout the campaign."
Gilles Duceppe
He then said that he will talk about sovereignty and that his standings are well known. He took a stab at the rest of the question asking, "Do the Conservatives call themselves the federalist Conservative Party of Canada or (is there a) federalist Liberal Party of Canada or the federalist New Democratic Party of Canada?"

Duceppe then concluded, "We're going to talk about sovereignty. I'm not hiding anything."
The Quebec provincial government didn’t add any steam to Duceppe’s campaign. Despite Jean Charest’s pledge to remain neutral, his Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Pierre Moreau attacked Duceppe stating, "I think that at this point, in this context, Quebecers should be advised to let a federal party represent them."

From Typical Politics to Transportation

The Toronto Board of Trade stated on Monday that the under-investment in Canada’s infrastructure is "putting Canada's long term economic growth at risk" and that congestion "continues to choke our cities." Studies have found that it takes the people of Toronto 24 minutes longer than Las Angeles's 80 minutes to commute.

The board said that it was important that infrastructure be prioritized for the economy stating, "If employees and goods can't get to their destination on time, productivity will be negatively impacted.”

In terms of transportation, no party has yet responded to the board, but as the Champlain Bridge in Montreal falls apart with the rest of Quebec infrastructure – a Montreal over-pass collapsed in recent history, the Liberals and Conservatives have took their positions.

The Conservatives would patch up the aging and brittle bridge. The Liberals would replace it all together. In the end of the day, the Liberal Plan is safer for Canadians – we cannot neglect the safety of our people.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Stephen Harper’s Campaign Handbook

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper speaks to supports in Brampton, Ont., Sunday morning, March 27, 2011. (Adrian Wyld / THE CANADIAN PRESS)It is always good to be prepared in a campaign. As Stephen Harper noted in his campaign sheet back in his Reform days, “most voters are uninformed and apathetic.” The key strategy was to dodge policy debates, ignore external questions and always distract the opposition and keep them on the defensive before they can comment or introduce their campaign and their agenda.

Election 2011 Day 2

Liberal Party Leader Michael Ignatieff speaks to supporters at a rally while campaigning in Montreal, Sunday, March 27, 2011. (Ryan Remiorz / THE CANADIAN PRESS)As Stephen Harper continues to try to convince Canadians that Michael Ignatieff has a hidden agenda to for a coalition government, Michael Ignatieff attacked Harper’s “abuse of power” while he was in power. After a series of scandals and a series of actions that proved that the Conservatives don’t respect democracy, the Conservatives were found in contempt and defeated.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Liberals and Conservatives Release New Ads

Snapshot 1 (3-26-2011 4-50 PM)The two main federal parties will be battling it out until May 2 and both have come out with a pair of ads each. The campaign style is different from the last election, but is similar to that of 2006, but reversed.

Liberal ads show a positive light on the potential of Canada while Conservative ads try to scare people from voting Liberal. In 2006, the process was reversed. But if something is noteworthy, it is that the Conservative ads aren’t as truthful as they should be – but that can’t be surprising considering all their scandals.

Election 2011 Day 1

Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff speaks following the announcement that Parliament has been dissolved in Ottawa, Saturday, March 26, 2011.Today commences the election campaign that may or may not change the status-quo in Canadian politics. All of the political parties are trying to get their message across, but will their messages effect the outcome of the upcoming election?

In the 2008 election, only 59% of Canadians voted marking the lowest voter turnout in Canadian history. Today’s announcements proved that Harper was a broken record and that the opposition has a firm grip on the direction that this election will take.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Harper Government Defeated on Contempt

Opposition topples Harper governmentIn a Liberal motion of non-confidence, the standing Conservative minority government was defeated. The motion attached clauses from the committee report that found the government in contempt.

The government fell as 156 MPs voted to defeat the government while 145 MPs voted against the Liberal motion. This means that the fortieth parliament will be dissolved and the fourth general election in seven years has begun. Tomorrow morning, the Prime Minister will visit the Governor General and request an election on the date of May 2 or May 9. Meanwhile, the Liberals will hold their first rally in Ottawa.
On dissolution, here are the standings of the house:
Stay tuned and watch as this election unfolds.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

And London Bridge Came Falling Down…

Just a mere few hours will determine the fate of Stephen Harper’s minority government, one littered with corruption and deceit. The campaign is going to be rough and the vocal points have already been decided. However, according to Nanos Research, the opposition could have the upper hand.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mark Your Calendars… May 2

With scandals becoming a day to day News topic and the loss of confidence of the opposition parties, it is now more than certain that the government will fall next week. There are two opportunities in which the government will fall, the budget, and the inquiry into the conduct of government practices. However, regardless of the day that is chosen, the government will fall as it seems more and more likely that for the first time in Canadian history, the Government of Canada will be found in contempt.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Liberals Release New Ads

imageMichael Ignatieff’s Liberals released two new attack ads today aimed at attacking Harper’s corrupt handling of public office and reaching out to Canadians to be the voice of a new direction. Each ad is 30 seconds long and either depicts news clippings showing Harper’s scandals or, as a novelty, displaying himself in his own ad.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Harper Government

There comes a time in every government’s standings when an event or series of events dominos to their defeat. Brian Mulroney got defeated on the deficit and implementation of the GST, the tax that we pay on almost everything we purchase. Jean Chretien got defeated when tyranny struck the inner core of his party. Paul Martin got defeated due to the sponsorship scandal. Stephen Harper has yet to be defeated, but for a man who campaigned on a platform of accountability and trust, his government’s actions have been anything but.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Harper Never Believed in Canadian Democracy and Values

Before reading this article, it is strongly recommended that you read Conservative Party Riddled in Scandal.

What is the value of democracy in the eyes of Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party? Can it be bought? Can we claim that because we are in power, we have the right to suit our own political needs? Can we spend tax payer’s money to suit our own interests and not theirs?

These are some rough questions. Considering the latest fiasco where the Conservatives are using public office and public money to support their campaigns and political agendas, one must wonder what else they may have done or plan on doing that we just don’t know yet.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Conservative Party Riddled in Scandal

The Conservative Party of Canada is taking fire from left, right, and center over election spending in the 2006 election and in an election that has yet to happen.

The Star reported on Mar. 3 that a member of Immigration Minister Jason Kenney’s staff resigned after Kenney was accused of using his MP letterhead to raise funds for a Conservative party campaign that is against parliamentary rules.